JoAnn Golenia
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JoAnn Golenia is an artist living in southwest Florida, though part of her heart is scattered about in New England and western states. A big fan of landscapes, she considers the human face a landscape too.  Her faces are more of an attitude or statement rather than an actual person.  Landscape paintings are heartfelt; again, an attitude, a feeling, though often of a specific place.  Large black and white images further describe a landscape of sorts - a quick idea or personal take on an idea.



We look at someone's face, but there is so much more. Their essence, their thoughts and motivations are there to be read. Sometimes our faces say so much more than our voices.      JoAnn Golenia


The cool/warm feeling of a late afternoon visit to this swiftly flowing stream as the sun sets behind the trees... Upstream

Upstream_Golenia E2406.jpg

Lead 27  -  Bold images for the modern home


Whether imagined people, or a loved one's face, small portraits are a fine gift to yourself or others.

